Recruitment Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology CIPET is recruiting candidates for, Chief Manager, Principal and Executive posts. Other information given below.
- CIPET Recruitment 2016 - Executive Posts. CIPET has promoted a notice for the enlistment of Executive opening absolutely on contract premise. Qualified applicants can apply in the endorsed application design at the very latest 19-08-2016. Different points of interest like how to apply are given beneath
- CIPET Vacancy Details:
- Name of the Post: Executive
- Age Limit: Candidates age ought to be 26 years.
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Full Time First Class B.B.A.,/B.Com., from perceived Institute with 03 years Experience in significant field or Full Time First class, Post Graduate Diploma in Plastics Processing Technology (PGD-PPT) with 02 years Industrial Experience.
- Determination Process: Candidates will be chosen in view of candidates execution in Interview.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible hopefuls can send their application in recommended position alongside fundamental fenced in areas and in an envelope ought to be superscribed as "Application for the post of Executive on Contract" to "The Director (Business Development), CIPET Head Office, T.V.K. Mechanical Estate, Guindy, Chennai-600 032" at the very latest 19-08-2016.
- Last Date for receipt of Application: 19-08-2016.
- For more points of interest like compensation and other data click on the connection given underneath. http://www.cipet.gov.in/job-opportunities/downloads/27-07-2016-001/Advertisement_Executives%20on%20contract.pdf
- CIPET Recruitment 2016 – Chief Manager and Manager Posts: Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Govt of India, Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology (CIPET) has given a vocation warning for the enlistment of Chief Manager and Manager (Personnel and Administration) opening on contract and direct enrollment premise. Qualified applicants can apply in recommended application position inside 30 days from the date of advt.
- CIPET Vacancy Details:
- Name of the Posts:
- 1. Boss Manager (Personnel and Administration)
- 2. Administrator (Personnel and Administration)
- Age Limit: Candidate age point of confinement is up to 45 years for Post 1 and 40 years for Post 2 as on shutting date for receipt of uses. Age unwinding for SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen and others competitors is relevant according to Govt of India orders.
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Graduation with PG Diploma in Personnel (2 years)/Post Graduation/MBA (Personnel) with PG Dip In Mgmt (2 Years)/LLB/BL for Post 1 and Degree/P.G Degree in any control with Professional Qualification in Personnel Management/Public Administration from a perceived Institute for Post 2 with applicable experience.
- Choice Process: Shortlisted competitors will be called for meeting.
- The most effective method to Apply: Eligible competitors can send their application in endorsed position alongside essential fenced in areas of age evidence, standing, instructive capability and involvement in an envelope, top of the envelope ought to be specified with "Application for the post of _____" in intense letters by Speed Post to The Sr. Officer(Admn./HR), CIPET Head Office, T.V.K Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai-600 032 inside 30 days from the date of advt.
- Critical Dates:
- Date of Advt: 11-08-2016.
- Last Date for Submission of Application: inside 30 days from the date of advt.
- For more points of interest like stipend and other data click on the connection given underneath… .
- http://www.cipet.gov.in/job-opportunities/downloads/03-06-2016-001/Advertisement%20August%202016.pdf
- CIPET Recruitment 2016 – Principal Posts: CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute (CIPET) has issued a warning for the enrollment of Principal opportunities on legally binding premise. Qualified applicants can apply in the recommended application group at the latest 10-09-2016.
- CIPET Vacancy Details:
- Name of the Posts: Principal
- Age Limit: Candidates age ought to be according to AICTE and UGC rules.
- Determination Process: Candidates will be chosen taking into account meeting.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible competitors send their application in the endorsed position alongside every single important authentication as said in the warning, knowledge and enveloipe ought to be superscribed with "the name of the post connected for__" ought to be sent to "The Director (Administration), Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology, Corporate Office, TVK Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai – 600 032" by velocity post at the very latest 10-09-2016.
- Last Date for Submission of Application: 10-09-2016.
- Notification Link: http://www.cipet.gov.in/job-opportunities/downloads/10-08-2016-001/Advertisement%20Principal%20Chennai%20HLC%20.pdf
- About CIPET
- Vision and Mission of CIPET
- To end up a peak Institute of International notoriety in the field of Polymer Science and Technology and guarantee economical development.
- To offer mix of specific Academic and Skill Development Training Programs in the field of Polymer Science and Technology keeping in mind the end goal to furnish qualified Human Resources with enterprise qualities for Polymer and Allied Industries;
- To give Technology Support as Consultancy Services in the fields of configuration, tooling, plastics preparing, testing and quality affirmation and Inspection Services to the plastics businesses through a Quality Management System;
- Devoted R and D wings on Plastic Materials and Product improvement will grow New Polymeric Materials and its Applications from Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property (IP) and Knowledge Base.