Canara Bank Recruitment 2016 – Database, Systems Administrator and Other Posts: Canara Bank Securities Ltd has issued a notice for the enlistment of Database Administrator, Systems Administrator, DP Operations Head, Chartered Accountant and Human Resources and Legal Head opportunities on contract premise. Qualified applicants may apply in endorsed application group at the very latest 10-08-2016. Other data given beneath.
Canara Bank Vacancy Details: Add up to No. of Posts: 06
Name of the Post:
- Database Administrator: 01 vacancy
- Frameworks Administrator: 02 vacancies
- DP Operations Head: 01 vacancy
- Sanctioned Accountant: 01 vacancy
- HR and Legal Head: 01 vacancy
Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have BE/B. Tech Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology/Electronics and Communication Engineering/Instrumentation or MCA and accreditation like Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) or proportional for Post No. 01, BE/B. Tech Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology/Electronics and Communication Engineering/Instrumentation or MCA and OS Certification like Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE)/Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) or proportionate for Post No. 02, Graduation in any stream and legitimate Certification from NISM/NCFM in DP operations for Post No. 03 with least half or equal evaluation and Other capability points of interest allude the warning.
Choice Process: Shortlisted hopefuls will be called for meeting.
The most effective method to Apply: Eligible hopefuls may send their application with self validated duplicates of date of birth authentications, mark sheets and endorsements from SSC/SSLC/X STD, PUC/10+2/Intermediate, Graduation and different capabilities and so forth, Caste Certificate and other pertinent records in an envelope ought to be super scribed with "Application for the determination of — in CBSL" by registred post/speed post to the Senior Manager, Canara Bank Securities Ltd 701, 7TH Floor, Maker Chamber III Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021 at the very latest 10-08-2016.
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 10-08-2016.
Perused official notice here: http://www.canarabank.com/English/scripts/Recruitment.aspx
#A Brief Profile of the Canara Bank
Generally known for client centricity, Canara Bank was established by Shri Ammembal Subba Rao Pai, an awesome visionary and humanitarian, in July 1906, at Mangalore, then a little port town in Karnataka. The Bank has experienced the different periods of its development direction more than hundred years of its presence. Development of Canara Bank was exceptional, particularly after nationalization in the year 1969, accomplishing the status of a national level player as far as topographical compass and demographic fragments. Eighties was portrayed by business broadening for the Bank. In June 2006, the Bank finished a century of operation in the Indian keeping money industry. The exciting trip of the Bank has been portrayed by a few paramount turning points. Today, Canara Bank involves a head position in the comity of Indian banks. Canara Bank has a few firsts amazingly. These include:
#Canara Bank Probationary Officer Recruitment Notification: http://www.canarabank.com/English/scripts/IBPS-CWE-V-PROBATIONARY%20OFFICERs%20-%2013.07.2016.aspx
Throughout the years, the Bank has been scaling up its business sector position to rise as a noteworthy 'Money related Conglomerate' with upwards of nine auxiliaries/supported establishments/joint endeavors in India and abroad. As at June 2016, the Bank has further extended its residential nearness, with 5847 branches spread over every topographical fragment. Keeping client comfort at the front line, the Bank gives a wide cluster of option conveyance channels that incorporate 9657 ATMs, covering 4081 focuses. A few IT activities were embraced amid the year. The Bank set up 172 greetings tech E-lounges in select branches with offices like ATM, Cash Deposit Kiosk with voice guided framework, Check Deposit Kiosk, Self Printing Passbook Kiosk, Internet Banking Terminal, Online Trading Terminal and Corporate Website Access. 'Canara e-Infobook' – an electronic passbook and saving money related data office was presented on portable stages - Android, Windows and iOS. The Bank additionally propelled Canara Bank RuPay Debit Card, Canara Club Card – Debit, Canara Secured Credit Card, Canara Elite Debit Card, Canara Bank Platinum Rupay Cards, Platinum Rupay Card and EMV Chip Cards under charge and Visas. Online Savings Bank and PPF account opening were introduced.The Bank made a few worth increments under web saving money and portable managing an account administrations. The Bank has presented improved form of CanMobile, Canara e-InfoBook-an electronic passbook and keeping money related data office on portable stages - Android, Windows and iOS and Canara m-Wallet to give more accommodation and offices to clients. Canara Galaxy, a combo item dispatched, including SB, Demat, OLT, Internet and Mobile Banking, Insurance, card administrations and other additional items. Under instruction credit interest endowment, web entries discharged for Central Scheme for Interest Subsidy (CSIS), Ministry of HRD, GoI, Dr. Ambedkar Central Sector Scheme of Interest Subsidy (ACSIS), Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, GoI and Padho Pardesh, Ministry of Minority Affairs, GoI.
#Canara Bank Specialist Officer Recruitment Notification: http://www.canarabank.com/English/scripts/IBPS%20-%20CWE%20V-Specialist%20Officers%20%20-%2029.06.2016.aspx
The Bank has dispatched Instant advance application on a basic level assent entrance for Housing Loan and Car Loan. The Bank issued MUDRA Debit Card for overdraft accounts under MUDRA Card plan. P2U (Person to UIDAI) reserves exchange through Mobile Banking in WAP channel was empowered by the Bank. Membership of Social Security Schemes of Govt. of India through ATM, SMS and Internet Banking was empowered by the Bank. The Bank has executed "Jeevan Praman" an advanced life authentication for retired people. The Bank has Implemented computerized update SMS/Email Alerts to clients suggesting to submit RC Copy/Insurance for the vehicle advances and expense paid receipt/endorsement for the sold property. Missed Call/SMS Based ePass Sheet era made live by the Bank. The Bank has effectively executed SMS/Email Alerts to NPA Borrowers suggesting to regularize overdues in records. Portable Banking Registration through ATMs (Interoperability through NFS) has been effectively presented by the Bank. Not simply in business keeping money, the Bank has likewise cut a particular imprint, in different corporate social obligations, to be specific, serving national needs, advancing country improvement, upgrading provincial independent work through a few preparing establishments and leading monetary consideration objective. Advancing a comprehensive development procedure, which has been shaped as the essential board of national approach plan today, is in actuality profoundly established in the Bank's establishing standards. "A decent bank is the money related heart of the group, as well as one with a commitment of aiding in each conceivable way to enhance the financial states of the regular individuals". These sagacious expressions of our author keep on resonating even today in filling the general public with a need. The development story of Canara Bank in its first century was expected, among others, to the proceeded with support of its esteemed clients, partners, submitted staff and uncanny authority capacity showed by its pioneers in charge of issues. We firmly trust that the following century will be similarly compensating and momentous in administration of the country as well as in helping the Bank develop as a "Favored Bank" by seeking after worldwide benchmarks in benefit, operational proficiency, resource quality, hazard administration and growing the worldwide range.
#Canara Bank Vision
To rise as a 'Favored Bank' by seeking after worldwide benchmarks in benefit, operational proficiency, resource quality, hazard administration and growing the worldwide range.
#Canara Bank Mission: http://www.canarabank.com/English/scripts/VissionandMission.aspxhttp://www.canarabank.com/English/scripts/VissionandMission.aspx
Canara Bank Vision is to give quality managing an account benefits great client care, make esteem for all partners and proceed as a responsive corporate social resident.