CABSEC Cabinet Secretariat Vacancy Recruitment 2016 - CABSEC Cabinet Secretariat will recruit Senior Research Officer and Senior Field Officer through Direct Recruitment Basis of substantial GATE Score Card. The qualified hopefuls can apply to the posts through the recommended organization will initiate on 01 September 2016.
- CABSEC Senior Research Officer and Senior Field Officer Recruitment Details:
- Imperative Dates:
- Opening Date for Submission of Application: 01 September 2016
- Bureau Secretariat, Govt. of India Vacancy Details
- Senior Research Officer (Science and Technology) – 03 Posts
- Senior Field Officer (Telecommunication) – 05 Posts
- Qualification Criteria for Senior Field Officer and Senior Research Officer Posts 2016
- Instructive Qualification:
- Senior Research Officer (Science and Technology): Possess Master's Degree in the particular control of Physics or Chemistry.
- Senior Field Officer (Telecommunication): Possess Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or Technology in individual order.
- Age Limit
- Gen: Not surpassing 35 years as on last date of receipt of utilization.
- OBC: Relaxation of 03 years.
- SC/ST: Relaxation of 05 years.
- PWD: Relaxation of 10 years.
- Focal Govt. representatives: Relaxation of 05 years.
- Step by step instructions to Apply for the Cabinet Secretariat Senior Field Officer and Senior Research Officer Posts 2016
- Qualified competitors can apply to the post through the complete bio-information in the recommended design and send the application alongside other important reports in order to reach to the workplace of the Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India will initiate from 01 September 2016.
- About CABSEC Cabinet Secretariat
- The Cabinet Secretariat is under the immediate charge of the Prime Minister. The managerial leader of the Secretariat is the Cabinet Secretary who is likewise the ex-officio Chairman of the Civil Services Board. In the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961 "Bureau Secretariat" finds a spot in the First Schedule to the Rules. The subjects distributed to this Secretariat are:-
- Secretarial help to Cabinet and Cabinet Committees.
- Tenets of Business.
- The Cabinet Secretariat is in charge of the organization of the Government of India (Transaction of Business) Rules, 1961 and the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules 1961, encouraging smooth exchange of business in Ministries/Departments of the Government by guaranteeing adherence to these guidelines. The Secretariat helps with basic leadership in Government by guaranteeing Inter-Ministerial coordination, resolving contrasts amongst Ministries/Departments and advancing accord through the instrumentality of the standing/adhoc Committees of Secretaries. Through this system new arrangement activities are likewise advanced.
- The Cabinet Secretariat guarantees that the President, the Vice President and Ministers are kept educated of the real exercises of all Ministries/Departments by method for month to month outline of their exercises. Administration of real emergency circumstances in the nation and organizing exercises of different Ministries in such a circumstance is likewise one of the elements of the Cabinet Secretariat.
- Backing to Cabinet Committees
- The secretarial help gave by Cabinet Secretariat to the Cabinet and Cabinet councils, incorporates
- Gathering of the gatherings of the Cabinet on the requests of the Prime Minister.
- Readiness and dissemination of the motivation.
- Coursing papers identified with the cases on the motivation.
- Setting up a record of exchanges taken.
- Course of the record subsequent to acquiring the endorsement of the Prime Minister.
- Watching usage of the choices taken by the Cabinet.
- The Cabinet Secretariat is the overseer of the papers of the Cabinet gatherings.
- Advancement of Inter-Ministerial Coordination
- Among the between Ministerial matters, the coordination is required for:
- Evacuating troubles.
- Evacuating contrasts.
- Overcoming delays.
- Coordination in regulatory activity.
- Coordination of arrangements.
- While every Ministry is in charge of following up on its own for speedy execution of Government approaches, plans and projects, where between Ministerial collaboration is included, they frequently look for the help of the Cabinet Secretariat. The between Ministerial issues are managed in the gatherings of the Committees of Secretaries (COS). Advisory groups are constituted for talking about particular matters and proposition exuding from different Secretaries to the Government and gatherings are held under the chairmanship of the Cabinet Secretary. These boards have possessed the capacity to break bottlenecks or secure commonly supporting between Ministerial activity.
- The talks of the COS happens on the premise of a paper planned by the key Department concerned and the Department with an alternate perspective, assuming any, giving a supplementary note. The choices or proposals of the COS are consistent. These procedures are likewise circled to and are caught up by the offices. There are other critical capacities which it releases, viz.
- Checking.
- Coordination.
- Advancing new approach activities.
- The Cabinet Secretariat is seen as a helpful instrument by the offices for advancing between Ministerial coordination since the Cabinet Secretary is likewise the leader of the common administrations. The Secretaries felt it important to keep the Cabinet Secretary educated of improvements every once in a while. The Transaction of Business Rules likewise obliges them to keep the Cabinet Secretary educated of improvements every once in a while, particularly if there are any takeoffs from these standards.