BFUHS Recruitment 2016 - BFUHS Baba Farid University of Health Sciences welcomes applications from every qualified possibility for the legally binding vacancies of Senior Resident and Professor Posts.
- BFUHS Senior Resident and Professor Vacancies Details: http://bfuhs.ac.in/careers/Estt/Estt5-8-16/Application-form-M.pdf
- Applicants must send their printed version of utilization structure alongside every single pertinent walled in area. Last date to send applications is 29-08-2016 .
- BFUHS Recruitment 2016 - Medical Officers and Staff Nurses vacancies Details: http://bfuhs.ac.in/SN934/main.aspx
- Online Applications alongside every significant point of interest are welcomed from appropriate contender for the enrollment to 1275 vacancies of Staff Nurses and Medical Officer in Baba Farid University of Health Sciences (BFUHS). Online Applications must be sent just by 09-09-2016.
- About BFUHS: Baba Farid University of Health Sciences
- BFUHS was established in 1998. The mission of the University is to make a savvy person, scholastic and physical environment, helpful with the expectation of complimentary stream of thoughts and trade of data between different resources of the University and between this University and different Universities of Health Sciences in the nation and abroad,thereby opening a window to the world for the wellbeing experts, wellbeing organizers, wellbeing administrators, biomedical and social researchers and instructors in wellbeing sciences of the nation .
- Due to deficiency of wellbeing professionals(in amount and quality) the need was impending. Such a University is relied upon to be a "Pace-setter" – in creating suitable modes and models of Health Care. College focused on giving Community arranged need based instruction and Training programs for Health experts.