BECIL welcomes application for enrollment of Website Developer/Manager post on contract premise. Hopefuls must apply before 21/08/2016.
- Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited BECIL Enrollment Details: http://becil.com/Vacancy?tamp_id=Mjg4
- Work Location: New Delhi
- Post Name: Website Developer/Manager
- No. of Post: 01
- Instructive Qualification: B.E/B.Tech (CS and IT)/MCA/M.Sc. Software engineering with least 2 years of related knowledge in taking care of front end updation of a site.
- Pay Scale: Rs.35,000-Rs.40,000/ -
- Application Fee: Rs.300/ - through Cash/Demand Draft for BECIL payable at New Delhi. No. expense for SC/ST/PH applicants.
- The most effective method to Apply
- Intrigued applicants may apply in endorsed position alongside self confirmed duplicates of every single pertinent archive/testimonials and ought to be send to Assistant General Manager (HR), BECIL Corporate Office, C-56, A/17, Sector-62, Noida-201307 prior to 21/08/2016.
- Last Date for accommodation of utilization : 21/08/2016
- For more subtle elements please allude to authority notice from the connection given beneath:-
- http://becil.com/Admin_Doc/Advt_WebsiteMgr11aug16.pdf
- About BECIL: Profession In BECIL
- BECIL vision is to encourage the development of Broadcasting in India and nations of the subcontinent. BECIL is a benefit making, ISO confirmed Mini Ratna Public Enterprise of Government of India occupied with undertaking consultancy administrations and turnkey arrangements incorporating the whole array of Radio and TV broadcasting.
- BECIL takes pride in the way that its customers look upon it as a solid, proficient and in fact capable gathering and they approach BECIL for their Broadcast Engineering and Information Technology Solutions. We at BECIL quality a huge piece of our noteworthy execution and notoriety to our Human Resources - group of equipped experts in the association.
- BECIL offers chances to youthful enlists and experienced experts:
- To achieving high development through constant learning process in nature of communicate innovation to enhance information and aptitudes and in addition accomplish fabulous models while meeting hierarchical goals.
- To take a shot at new ideas and developing advances to end up master and pioneers in the business.
- To be an individual from BECIL group and contribute viably in arranging, execution and usage of undertakings.
- To work with experienced specialists and counsels and in addition pool of specialists in their separate information space from AIR, Doordarshan and Broadcast Industry.
- For quick profession development in a little however productive setup.
- BECIL Team's witticism is "from idea to finish and from administrative to acknowledgment" to help customers acknowledge full mechanical favorable circumstances to meet the goals adequately and effectively.
- In short BECIL offers phenomenal open doors for expert development while meeting the authoritative destinations.