APPSC Recruitment 2016 - 748 Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE) vacancies - Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has distributed a notice for General Recruitment of Assistant Executive Engineers in different Engineering Services for 748 Vacancies.Eligible competitors can apply online through www.psc.ap.gov.in from eighteenth August 2016 to 21st September 2016.
- Name of vacancy : Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE)
- Details: http://www.psc.ap.gov.in/UI/UserManuals/AEE-Notifications/AEE_Notification.%20No.06-2016,%20Dt.17.8.2016.PDF
- Number of vacancies : 748 vacancies
- Points of interest of vacancies
- AEE (Civil) in A.P. General Health and Municipal Engineering Department - 56 vacancies
- AEE (Civil/Mechanical) in A.P. Tribal Welfare Engineering Department - 41 vacancies
- AEE (Civil) in A.P. Water Resources Department - 473 vacancies
- AEE (Mechanical) in A.P. Water Resources Department - 63 vacancies
- AEE (Civil/Mechanical) in A.P Panchayat Raj Engineering Service - 113 vacancies
- AEE (Mechanical/Agricultural) in A.P Ground Water Department - 02 vacancies
- Size of Pay : Rs. 37100-91450/ -
- Age Limit : Minimum 18 years and greatest 40 years as on first July 2016
- Training Qualification
- an) AEE (Civil) in A.P. PH and ME Department - Candidate must hold a Graduate Degree in Civil Engineering of a University in India or a Pass in Sections "An" and "B" of AMIE (India) Examination in Civil Engineering
- b) AEE (Civil/Mechanical) in A.P. Tribal Welfare Engineering Department - Candidate must hold a Graduate Degree in Civil/Mechanical Engineering from any University in India
- c) AEE (Civil) in A.P. Water Resources Department - Candidate must hold a Graduate Degree in Civil Engineering of a University in India
- d) AEE (Mechanical) in A.P. Water Resources Department - Candidate must hold a Graduate Degree in Mechanical Engineering of a University in India
- e) AEE (Civil/Mechanical) in A.P Panchayat Raj Engineering Service - Candidate must hold a Graduate Degree in Civil/Mechanical Engineering from any University in India or a Pass in Sections "An" and "B" of AMIE Examination directed by Institute of Engineers in Civil/Mechanical or AMIE and B.Sc. (Designing) of Ranchi University or a comparable capability
- f) AEE (Mechanical/Agricultural) in A.P Ground Water Department - Candidate must hold a B.E. Degree (Mechanical) or B.Tech. (Rural Engineering) of a University or an Institution perceived by the University Grants Commission or a comparable capability
- Choice Process : Selection will be made through execution in Written Examination (Objective Type)
- Application Fee : Candidate are required to pay Rs. 250/ - (Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty Only) as application handling charge and Rs 120/ - (Rupees One Hundred and Twenty Only) as Examination Fee. SC, ST, BC, PH and Ex-Service Men, Un-utilized youth in the age gathering of 18 to 40 years are exempted from installment of Examination expense. Expense can be pay either web utilizing Payment Gateway (Net saving money/Credit Card/Debit Card) OR APOnline Center
- Step by step instructions to Apply : Applicants can apply online through OTPR application at www.psc.ap.gov.in from eighteenth August 2016 to 21st September 2016. Hopeful must filled all points of interest accurately and make charge installment utilizing Net saving money/Credit Card/Debit Card OR APOnline Center. In the wake of submitting online application, PDF Application will be produced which contains the particulars outfitted by the candidate. Candidates must hold this document for future reference.
- Essential Dates
- Opening Date for Online Application Submission : 18.08.2016
- Shutting Date for Online Application Submission : 21.09.2016
- Last Date for installment of Application Fee : 21.09.2016