AMU Recruitment 2016 – Aligarh Muslim University - Assistant Professor, Guest Teacher and Senior Residence vacancies. AMU, Aligarh has given an occupation notice for the enrollment on absolutely transitory premise. Qualified hopefuls can apply in endorsed application group prior to 22-08-2016 amid available time.
- AMU Vacancy Details: http://www.amuregistrar.com/vacancies.html
- Add up to No of vacancies: 09
- Name of the vacancies: Assistant Professor
- 1. Murshidabad Center (WB): 03 vacancies
- 2. Malappuram Center (Kerala): 06 vacancies
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have five star Masters level in law from an Indian University/an identical Degree from an authorize remote University and have cleared NET directed by UGC/CISR or comparative test licensed by UGC like SLET/SET.
- Determination Process: Candidates will be chosen taking into account meeting.
- Application Fee: Candidates need to pay Rs. 300/ - by Demand Draft/Original Cash receipt.
- How to Apply: http://www.amuregistrar.com/how.html
- Critical Dates:
- Last Date for Submission of Application: 22-08-2016 amid available time.
- Date and Time of Interview: 24-08-2016 at 10:00 AM.
- AMU Recruitment 2016 – Guest Teacher vacancies. Office of Chairperson, Department of Physics, AMU has given a job warning for the enlistment of Guest Teacher opening on brief premise. Qualified competitors can apply in recommended application group at t-he very latest 20-08-2016 up to 04:00 PM.
- AMU Vacancy Details:
- Add up to No of vacancies: 09
- Name of the vacancies: Guest Teacher
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have Masters Degree in applicable subject from an Indian University/a proportionate Degree from a certify remote University and have cleared National Eligibility Test (NET) directed by UGC, CSIR/comparative test authorize by UGC like SELT/SET.
- Determination Process: Candidates will be chosen in view of meeting.
- Application Fee: Candidates need to pay Rs. 300/ - with money receipt payable to back officer AMU Aligarh.
- How to Apply: http://www.amuregistrar.com/how.html
- Vital Dates:
- Last Date for Submission of Application: 20-08-2016 up to 04:00 PM.
- Date and Time of Interview: 30-08-2016 at 10:00 AM.
- AMU Recruitment 2016 – Guest Teacher vacancies. AMU, Aligarh has distributed warning for the enrollment of Guest Teacher opening in different offices on impermanent premise. Qualified competitors may apply in endorsed application position at the very latest 20 and 29-08-2016.
- AMU Vacancy Details:
- Name of the vacancy: Guest Teacher
- Name of the Department:
- 1. PC Engineering:
- 2. Gadgets: 01 vacancy
- 3. Electrical: 02 vacancies
- 4. Ecological Engg: 01 vacancy
- 5. Common Engg: 02 vacancies
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have first class Master Degree in Appropriate Branch of Engineering and Technology for Sl No. 01, first class Master Degree in Electrical/Electronics/Computer Engg/Environmental/Civil/Chemical/Petroleum/Biochemical Engineering/Architecture for Sl. No. 02 to 05.
- Determination Process: Candidates will be chosen in view of meeting.
- Application Fee: Candidates ought to pay Rs. 300/ - ought to be saved in State Bank of India, AMU Branch, Aligarh.
- How to Apply: http://www.amuregistrar.com/how.html
- AMU Recruitment 2016 – Asst Professor and Senior Resident vacancies. AMU, Aligarh has given a notice for the enrollment of Senior Resident and Assistant Professor Vacancies on transitory premise. Qualified competitors may apply in the recommended design at the latest 13-08-2016 and 20-08-2016.
- AMU Vacancy Details:
- Name of the vacancies:
- 1. Senior Resident: 04 vacancies
- Name of the Department:
- i. Life systems: 01 vacancy
- ii. Pediatric Surgery: 01 vacancy
- iii. Measurable Medicine: 01 vacancy
- iv. Pharmacology: 01 vacancy
- 2. Right hand Professor
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have As Per MCI standards for vacancy 01, vacancy Graduation Degree in the important order, M.Ed degree or vacancy Graduation (MA) degree or BEd/BEL.Ed degree with least 55% imprints for vacancy 02.
- Determination Process: Candidates will be chosen taking into account meeting.
- Application Fee: Candidates ought to pay a challan of Rs.300/ - to be saved in the State Bank of India, AMU Branch, Aligarh for vacancy 01, Rs.300/ - through Demand draft for vacancy 02.
- How to Apply: http://www.amuregistrar.com/how.html
- For vacancy 02: Eligible competitors may send their applications alongside DD/unique receipt to the Office of the Chairman, Dept of Education at the latest 20-08-2016.