Air India Engineering Services Limited (AIESL), A Wholly possessed Subsidiary of Air India, has distributed a notice to fill 961 opening of Aircraft Technician.Last Date for accommodation of online application is 30th September 2016.
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- AIESL Recruitment
- Air India Limited Recruitment
- Air India Engineering Services Limited (AIESL) Recruitment Details: www.airindia.in
- Name of Post : Aircraft Technician
- Number of Posts : 961 Posts (General-489, SC-143, ST-71 and OBC-258)
- Payments : Rs.15,000 amid preparing time of one year. After fruitful consummation of preparing competitors will be positioned as Aircraft Technician and would be paid payments of Rs.17,680 every month
- Age Limit as on first July 2016 : Upper age restricted is 28 Years for General Candidates, 33 Years for SC/ST and 31 Years for OBC Candidates. Age unwinding for Ex-Servicemen will be given according to rules
- Instruction Qualification : Candidate must have AME Diploma/Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering from foundation affirmed by DGCA with 60% imprints or equal review OR have effectively Completed 04 years Course/Diploma in Aircraft/Electrical/Instruments/Radio Artificer Training led by Indian Navy which are satisfactory by DGCA OR Three years Diploma in Engineer in Mechanical/Electrical/Instrumentation/Electronics and Telecommunication/Radio Engineering with 60% imprints or proportionate evaluation.
- Application Fee : Candidates are required to pay Application expense charges of Rs.1000/ - just through on-line SBI Bank Challan. SC/ST/Ex-servicemen hopefuls are not required to pay application expenses.
- Step by step instructions to Apply : Applicants can apply online through www.airindia.in at the very latest 30th September 2016. After conclusive accommodation of online application, hopeful must take a printout of use and send printed version alongside every supporting testimonial, reports in evidence of capability, GATE score, Age, position, ID confirmation to the Post-box no 12006, Cossipore Post Office, Kolkata-700 002 till 31st October 2016
- Critical Dates
- Shutting Date for Online Application Submission : 30.09.2016
- Shutting Date for receipt of Application : 31.10.2016
- AIESL Notification Link: http://www.airindia.in/writereaddata/Portal/career/320_1_AIRCRAFT-TECHNICIAN.pdf
- AIESL Application Link: http://www.airindia.in/careers.htm