Airports Authority of India (AAI) Recruitment 2016 - AAI has issued a most recent Govt. occupations (sarkari naukari) business warning and welcomed online applications from the qualified contender for making the enrollment of 106 Junior Assistant (Fire Service) opportunities.
Airports Authority of India (AAI) Recruitment 2016 - Qualified competitors the individuals who are having all the imperative capabilities for these posts can apply online from 08-08-2016 at 10:00 hrs to 05-09-2016 by 18:00 hrs. More insights seeing these posts, for example, instructive capabilities, age limit, choice methodology, application expense, how to apply and so forth for AAI Recruitment 2016 are said underneath:-
- Opportunity Details of AAI Recruitment 2016:
- Add up to No. of vacancies: 106 vacancies
- Name of the Post: Junior Assistant (Fire Service)
- 1. UR: 59 vacancies
- 2. SC: 12 vacancies
- 3. ST: 16 vacancies
- 4. OBC (NCL): 19 vacancies
- Instructive Qualification: Applicants hose who are applying for these posts ought to have passed tenth class + 03 years affirmed Diploma in Mechanical/Automobile/Fire or twelfth pass (Regular Study) with half stamps.
- Age Limit: Hopefuls hose who need to apply for these posts their age ought to be in the middle of 18 years to 30 years as on 30-06-2016. However the upper age limit unwinding will be given by 5 years to SC/ST and by 3 years to OBC (Non Creamy layer) hopefuls.
- Application Fee: Hopefuls are required to pay the application expense of Rs. 400/ - for General and OBC hopefuls through challan by saving in any branch of State Bank of India. However there is no application charge for Female, SC and ST applicants.
- Choice Procedure: Hopefuls' choice will be made on the premise of their execution in PC based/online examination/physical estimation, driving test and physical perseverance test
- Critical Dates: Beginning date of Online Application: 08-08-2016 at 10:00 hrs
- Beginning date for Depositing Fee at SBI: 09-08-2016
- Last date For Step I of Online Registration: 05-09-2016 by 18:00 hrs
- Last date for Depositing Fee at SBI: 08-09-2016
- Last date For Step II of Online Registration: 13-09-2016 by 18:00 hrs
- The most effective method to Apply: All qualified and intrigued applicants the individuals who have all the essential capabilities/conditions can apply online through the official site www.aai.aero from 08-08-2016 at 10:00 hrs to 05-09-2016 by 18:00 hrs for Step I and at the very latest 13-09-2016 by 18:00 hrs for Step II online enrollment.
- Click Here for Complete AAI Recruitment Official Details Download: http://www.aai.aero/employment_news/JrAsst(FS)ER-190716.pdf
Airports Authority of India (AAI)
Airports Authority of India (AAI) deals with an aggregate of 125 Airports, which incorporate 11 International Airports, 08 Customs Airports, 81 Domestic Airports and 25 Civil Enclaves at Defense Airfields. AAI additionally gives Air Traffic Management Services (ATMS) over whole Indian Air Space and bordering maritime territories with ground establishments at all Airports and 25 different areas to guarantee wellbeing of Aircraft operations. The Airports are interested in operations even by Foreign International Airlines.
All significant air-courses over Indian landmass are Radar secured (29 Radar establishments at 11 areas) alongside VOR/DVOR scope (89 establishments) co-situated with Distance Measuring Equipment (90 establishments). 52 runways are given ILS establishments with Night Landing Facilities at the majority of these Airports and Automatic Message Switching System at 15 Airports.
AAI's fruitful execution of Automatic Dependence Surveillance System (ADSS), utilizing indigenous innovation, at Calcutta and Chennai Air Traffic Control Centers, gave India the qualification of being the primary nation to utilize this propelled innovation in the South East Asian district along these lines empowering viable Air Traffic Control over maritime territories utilizing satellite method of correspondence. Utilization of remote controlled VHF scope, alongside satellite correspondence joins, has given added quality to our ATMS. Connecting of 80 areas by V-Sat establishments might inconceivably improve Air Traffic Management and thus wellbeing of flying machine operations other than empowering authoritative and operational control over our broad Airport system. Execution Based Navigation (PBN) methods have as of now been actualized at Mumbai, Delhi and Ahmedabad Airports and are liable to be executed at different Airports in staged way.
AAI has embraced GAGAN venture in mechanical coordinated effort with Indian Space and Research Organization (ISRO), where the satellite based framework will be utilized for route. The route flags in this way got from the GPS will be expanded to accomplish the navigational prerequisite of airplanes. To start with Phase of innovation show framework has as of now been effectively finished in February 2008. Advancement group has been equipped to update the framework in operational stage.
AAI has additionally wanted to give Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) at Delhi and Mumbai Airports. This GBAS hardware will be fit for giving Category-II (bended methodology) landing signs to the air ships subsequently supplanting the current instrument landing framework over the long haul, which is required at every end of the runway.
The Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (ASMGCS), introduced at Delhi, has overhauled operation to runway 28 from CAT-IIIA level to CAT-IIIB level. Feline IIIA framework licenses arriving of airplanes up to perceivability of 200mtrs. In any case, CAT-IIIB will allow safe arriving at the Airports at a perceivability beneath 200mtrs yet above 50mtrs.
AAI's try, in upgraded concentrate on 'client's desires', has revealed excited reaction to autonomous organization, which has composed consumer loyalty studies at 30 occupied Airports. These studies have empowered us to embrace changes on perspectives suggested by the Airport clients. The containers for our 'Business Reply Letters' at Airports have picked up notoriety; these reactions empower us to comprehend the changing yearnings of Airport clients. Amid the main year of the thousand years, AAI attempts to make its operations more straightforward furthermore make accessible the momentary data to clients by sending condition of-craftsmanship Information Technology.
The particular preparing, concentrate on enhancing the representative reaction and the expert aptitude up-degree, has been showed. AAI's four preparing foundations viz. Common Aviation Training College (CATC) - Allahabad, National Institute of Aviation Management and Research (NIAMAR) - Delhi and Fire Training Centers (FTCs) at Delhi and Kolkata are relied upon to be busier than any time in recent memory.
AAI has additionally attempted activities to overhaul preparing offices at CATC Allahabad and Hyderabad Airport. Aerodrome Visual Simulator (AVS) has been given at CATC as of late and non-radar procedural ATC test system gear is being supplied to CATC Allahabad and Hyderabad Airport.
AAI is having a devoted Flight Inspection Unit (FIU) and it has armada of three airplanes fitted with most recent condition of-workmanship completely programmed flight examination framework equipped for reviewing.
Airports Authority of India (AAI) was formed by an Act of Parliament and appeared on first April 1995 by combining past National Airports Authority and International Airports Authority of India. The merger brought into presence a solitary Organization endowed with the obligation of making, redesigning, keeping up and overseeing common flight foundation both on the ground and air space in the nation.
1. Traveler Facilities
The primary elements of AAI between Alia incorporate development, alteration and administration of traveler terminals, improvement and administration of load terminals, advancement and upkeep of overskirt framework including runways, parallel taxiways, smock and so on., Provision of Communication, Navigation and Surveillance which incorporates arrangement of DVOR/DME, ILS, ATC radars, visual guides and so on., arrangement of air movement administrations, arrangement of traveler offices and related luxuries at its terminals in this way guaranteeing sheltered and secure operations of air ship, traveler and payload in the nation.
2. Air Navigation Services
Tuned in to worldwide way to deal with modernization of Air Navigation base for consistent route crosswise over state and provincial limits, AAI has been proceeding with its arrangements for move to satellite based Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic Management. Various co-operation understandings and memoranda of co-operation have been marked with US Federal Aviation Administration, US Trade and Development Agency, European Union, Air Services Australia and the French Government Co-agent Projects and Studies started to pick up from their experience. Through these exercises increasingly officials of AAI are being presented to the most recent innovation, cutting edge rehearses and systems being embraced to enhance the general execution of Airports and Air Navigation Services.
Impelling of most recent best in class hardware, both as substitution and old supplies furthermore as new offices to enhance principles of wellbeing of air terminals noticeable all around is a nonstop procedure. Appropriations of as good as ever strategy run as an inseparable unit with prompting of new gear. A portion of the significant activities in this course are presentation of Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) in India air space to expand airspace limit and decrease clog noticeable all around; execution of GPS And Geo Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) together with ISRO which when put to operation would be one of the four such frameworks on the planet.
3. Security
The proceeding with security environment has brought into center the requirement for fortifying security of fundamental establishments. There was in this manner a critical need to redo the security at air terminals to foil any misfortune as well as to reestablish certainty of voyaging open in the security of air go in general, which was shaken after 9/11 disaster. With this in perspective, various strides were taken including organization of CISF for air terminal security, CCTV reconnaissance framework at delicate airplane terminals, most recent and best in class X-beam stuff review frameworks, chief security and observation frameworks. Shrewd Cards for access control to fundamental establishments at air terminals are additionally being considered to supplement the endeavors of security work force at delicate air terminals.
4. Aerodrome Facilities
In Airports Authority of India, the essential way to deal with arranging of airplane terminal offices has been embraced to make limit in front of interest in our endeavors. Towards usage of this technique, various undertakings for expansion and reinforcing of runway, taxi track and cook's garments at various airplane terminals has been taken up. Expansion of runway to 7500 ft. has been taken up to bolster operation for Airbus-320/Boeing 737-800 class of flying machines at all airplane terminals.
5. HRD Training
A substantial pool of prepared and very talented labor is one of the real resources of Airports Authority of India. Advancement and Technological upgrades and ensuing refinement of working measures and strategies, new principles of wellbeing and security and enhancements in administration procedures call for keeping preparing to redesign the information and aptitude of officers and staff. For this reason AAI has various preparing foundations, viz. NIAMAR in Delhi, CATC in Allahabad, Fire Training Centers at Delhi and Kolkata for in-house preparing of its specialists, Air Traffic Controllers, Rescue and Fire Fighting work force and so forth. NIAMAR and CATC are individuals from ICAO TRAINER program under which they share Standard Training Packages (STP) from a focal pool for giving preparing on different subjects. Both CATC and NIAMAR have additionally contributed various STPs to the Central pool under ICAO TRAINER program. Remote understudies have additionally been taking an interest in the preparation system being led by these establishment
6. IT Implementation
Data Technology holds the way to operational and administrative effectiveness, straightforwardness and representative profitability. AAI started a project to influence IT society among its representatives and this is most effective apparatus to improve productivity in the association. AAI site with space name www.airportsindia.org.in or www.aai.aero is a prevalent site giving a large group of data about the association other than local and global flight data important to people in general all in all and travelers specifically.