A student loan is not financed by the state, but by the bank. For the student this brings with it several advantages. First of all, he is more flexible. With most providers, you can decide in advance how much money you want to get paid each month. In addition, both funding options are similar in two important ways:
One should very carefully consider whether to take a student loan. There are two reasons - First of all, you only have to repay half of the total amount. If you complete your studies in the regular study period and with particularly good results, you will get a little more forgiven. In addition, unlike a student loan, there are no interest on the loan share. You can see fast, there are advantages as well as disadvantages. It is rather about the question in which concrete case which form of financing is worthwhile.
For whom is the student loan suitable?
A student loan is in principle always in question, if other financing options such as a side job are not eligible. This is the case, for example, when the parents have too high an income, but on the other hand have too little money to finance their studies. Even with a change of subject you can consider a loan.
Note: A student loan is suitable if the income of the parents is too high
The parents do not have enough money to finance a study available, a part-time job is out of the question
TIP: Tricks to save money
But you should not just rely on credit when financing your studies. With a few tricks you can save extra money. So you have at the end of the month still a little more money available.
What should be considered in the credit comparison?
Young people can choose between a variety of different loans. Since you can find the right financing for his studies with relatively little effort. Pay particular attention to the following: Monthly payout: between 1000 and 10000 /- possible Maximum funding period: between 12 and 144 months Conditions: dependent or independent of income of parents / maximum age usually at 30 years Maximum payout volume: usually between 32,000 and 39,000 /- amount of maximum one-time payment: between 10000 and 80000 /-
TIP Student loans are available today from many private providers. Therefore, it is always worthwhile to ask your house bank without any obligation. Here you can sometimes get a good deal.
- The payment is made monthly
- The repayment of the loan begins when the study is finished
One should very carefully consider whether to take a student loan. There are two reasons - First of all, you only have to repay half of the total amount. If you complete your studies in the regular study period and with particularly good results, you will get a little more forgiven. In addition, unlike a student loan, there are no interest on the loan share. You can see fast, there are advantages as well as disadvantages. It is rather about the question in which concrete case which form of financing is worthwhile.
For whom is the student loan suitable?
A student loan is in principle always in question, if other financing options such as a side job are not eligible. This is the case, for example, when the parents have too high an income, but on the other hand have too little money to finance their studies. Even with a change of subject you can consider a loan.
Note: A student loan is suitable if the income of the parents is too high
The parents do not have enough money to finance a study available, a part-time job is out of the question
TIP: Tricks to save money
But you should not just rely on credit when financing your studies. With a few tricks you can save extra money. So you have at the end of the month still a little more money available.
What should be considered in the credit comparison?
Young people can choose between a variety of different loans. Since you can find the right financing for his studies with relatively little effort. Pay particular attention to the following: Monthly payout: between 1000 and 10000 /- possible Maximum funding period: between 12 and 144 months Conditions: dependent or independent of income of parents / maximum age usually at 30 years Maximum payout volume: usually between 32,000 and 39,000 /- amount of maximum one-time payment: between 10000 and 80000 /-
TIP Student loans are available today from many private providers. Therefore, it is always worthwhile to ask your house bank without any obligation. Here you can sometimes get a good deal.