ONGC Vacancy 2017 - ONGC will recruit 19 Stenographer / Assistant / Electrician / Technician / Mechanic. Apply before 13 February 2017.
➽ ONGC Recruitment Details
- Job Post -
- Stenographer - 08 posts
- Secretarial Assistant - 05 posts
- Electrician - 03 posts
- Computer Networking Technician - 01 post
- Mechanic - 01 post
- Total Vacancy - 19
- Qualification - 10th Pass / 12th Pass / ITI / B.Sc
- Age Criteria - 21 years
- Job Location - Chennai, Tamil Nadu
- Last Date - 13 February 2017
- Application mode - Online
- How to apply?
- To apply for ONGC - Stenographer / Assistant / Electrician / Technician / Mechanic vacancy refer links given below
- Notification link ➤
- http://www.ongcindia.com/wps/wcm/connect/e872148d-654f-49e6-b5c1-3959fb0769b3/apprenticeshipadvertisement2017.pdf?MOD=AJPERES
- Application link ➤
- https://goo.gl/Yh7mXW
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➽ More Recruitment Details
❍ ONGC recruitment notification : ONGC has invited application from the candidates from Chennai region to apply for Steno / Assistant / Electrician / Technician / Mechanic job post.
❍ Instruction to apply :
Applicants interested in this ONGC recruitment drive for Steno / Assistant / Electrician / Technician / Mechanic job post can apply through Online mode. Please refer to the official ONGC notification links for the enlistment of Steno / Assistant / Electrician / Technician / Mechanic job post given above for reference.
❍ Last Date to apply : Eligible Candidates who are interested in this ONGC - Steno / Assistant / Electrician / Technician / Mechanic recruitment are advised to apply before 13 February 2017.
Candidates applying for this ONGC - Steno / Assistant / Electrician / Technician / Mechanic job posts are advised to check all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the ONGC - Steno / Assistant / Electrician / Technician / Mechanic recruitment notification given above.
Candidates applying for this ONGC - Steno / Assistant / Electrician / Technician / Mechanic job posts are advised to check all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the ONGC - Steno / Assistant / Electrician / Technician / Mechanic recruitment notification given above.
❍ Age Criteria : Age of candidates applying for Steno / Assistant / Electrician / Technician / Mechanic profile of this ONGC enlistment must be 21 years.
✛ Further Details
- ONGC, Chennai welcomes applications from qualified applicants in the accompanying assigned exchanges for engagement as Apprentices under Apprenticeship Act 1961 read in conjunction with Apprenticeship Rules 1992 and Apprentices Amendment Act 2014. The last date for accommodation of utilization is thirteenth February 2017.
- Age Limit: The applicant ought to have achieved the age of 14 years and ought not have accomplished the age of 21 years as on 1st March 2017.
- Least Physical Standards: As recommended in the Apprenticeship Rule 1992, statement 4 and changes thereof assuming any.
- Method to Apply: Eligible Candidates are initially required to enlist in the web-based interface http://apprenticeship.gov.in for enrollment as students.
- After Candidates are required to fill recommended ONGC application arrange and forward the filled in application alongside all reports.