KPTCL Recruitment Jobs Recruitment 2016 Update - Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited will recruit Junior Lineman and Junior Station Attendant in KPTCL, BESCOM, and CESC.
- Opportunity Details of KPTCL Recruitment 2016
- Vacancy - 6213
- Notification Link: http://www.kptcl.com/JLM_Notification_21_7_2016.pdf
- About Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation
- KPTCL History
- The craftsmanship around then was still in its early stages, even in the propelled nations.
- The longest transmission line, at the most noteworthy voltage on the planet, was developed to meet the force needs of mining operations.
- With accessibility of shoddy framework offices, KPTCL helpful for expanded rhythm of mechanical movement. It got to be essential subsequently, to increase power producing limit by outfitting the whole capability.
- The interest for force saw an extraordinary increment in the mid sixties and onward with the setting up of numerous open segment and private commercial enterprises in the State. As force era in the State was totally reliant on rainstorm and was liable to its impulses and set up a coal based force plant.
- The transmission and dissemination framework in Karnataka was framed and the private conveyance organizations were amalgamated with Karnataka Electricity Board.
- KEB was a benefit making association. Nonetheless, in the resulting years, as other State Electricity Boards in the nation, KEB likewise began causing misfortunes, essentially because of the expansion in farming utilization and because of the usage of the financial strategies of the Government, the execution of the influence division was influenced.
- To enhance the execution of the force segment and tuned in to the changes turned out with a general strategy proposing key and radical changes in the force part.
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- KPTCL Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Bundled
- Ensuing to this the capacity of dispersion of force has been completely isolated from KPTCL.
- KPTC is presently vested with the obligation of transmitting force everywhere throughout the State and development.
- These organizations are incharge of appropriation of force inside their locale.
- The Fifth Distribution Company Chamundeshwari Electricity Supply Corporation restricted is an organization consolidated under the organization demonstration.
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- KPTCL initiated its business operations from 2007and is in charge of limit expansion and obtaining power in the interest of different sources including buy of force through exchanges.
- KPTCL likewise co-ordinates with different States and Central Government offices on force related issues.