Download SSCCR Admit Card for SSC CGL (TIER 1) Exam 2016. Download at Staff Selection Commission website.
- SSCCR SSC CGL (Tier 1) Exam Admit 2016 Card: http://www.ssc-cr.org/notice_detail.php?noticeID=683
- SSCKKR SSC CGL (Tier 1) Exam 2016 Admit Card: http://ssckkr.kar.nic.in/sschallticket/default.aspx
- SSCNR SSC CGL (Tier 1) Exam 2016 Admit Card: http://www.sscnr.net.in/newlook/Admitcard_CGLE_NEW2016/CheckRoll.aspx
- Staff Selection Commission Central Region (SSCCR), Department of Personnel Training issued concede card for SSC Combined Graduate Level or SSC CGL (TIER-I) Exam 2016. Shortlisted possibility for SSC CGL (TIER-I) Exam 2016 can download the concede card from the connection given beneath by utilizing their move number/enlistment number and date of birth.
- The SSC CGL (TIER-I) Exam 2016 will be directed by SSCCR from 27 August 2016 to 11 September 2016. Shortlisted hopefuls can download the concede card from the connection given beneath by utilizing the accompanying strides:
- Go to the official website of SSC
- Click on 'Download Admit card for SSC CGL Tier-I Examination 2016
- Give the login certifications on the download page
- Enter move number or enlistment ID number and Date of Birth as give at the season of enrollment
- Click on Search Status to see and download the concede card
- In the event of scattering of move number or enlistment id
- Give separate Name and fathers Name and date of Birth as gave at the season of Registration
- Click on Search Status to see and download the Admit card