CSIR IICB Recruitment 2016 - Project Assistant vacancies - CSIR Indian Institute of Chemical Biology Kolkata has distributed notice for the enlistment of Project Assistant Level – III opportunities on transitory premise. Qualified competitors may stroll in on 19-08-2016 from 10.30 AM.
- CSIR IICB Vacancy Details: http://www.career.iicb.res.in/
- Add up to No of vacancies: 01
- Name of the vacancies: Project Assistant Level – III
- Age Limit: Candidates age ought to be 32 years as on the date of meeting. Age relaxations will be relevant for SC/ST/OBC/PH and ladies hopefuls according to the standards.
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have M.Pharm in Medicinal Chemistry.
- Determination Process: Candidates will be chosen taking into account meeting.
- Step by step instructions to Apply: Eligible competitors may stroll in meeting with unique and self bore witness to duplicates of registration endorsement in backing of your date of birth, degree/confirmation authentication, unique reprints of all testimonials in regards to instructive capability, no protest testament from the business if utilized on 19-08-2016 from 10.30 AM.
- CSIR IICB Recruitment 2016 – IICB has issued a warning for the enlistment of Junior Research Fellow opening on brief premise. Qualified hopefuls may go to for stroll in meeting on 19-08-2016 from 10.30 AM.
- CSIR IICB Vacancy Details: http://www.career.iicb.res.in/
- Absolute No.of vacancies: 01
- Name of the Post: Junior Research Fellow
- Age Limit: Candidates age ought to be 28 years as on the date of meeting. Age unwinding is appropriate to SC/ST/OBC/PH and ladies hopefuls according to rules.
- Instructive Qualification: Candidates ought to have M.Sc in Biophysics/Biochemistry/Biotechnology with no less than 55% imprints and ought to have NET (LS)/GATE (legitimate).
- Choice Process: Candidates will be chosen in light of meeting.
- The most effective method to Apply: Eligible applicants may go to for stroll in meeting with unique and verified duplicates of every pertinent declaration as said in the warning, one visa size photo in the New Conference Room on 19-08-2016 from 10.30 AM.
- Vital Dates:
- Date and Time of Interview: 19-08-2016 from 10.30 AM.
- Reporting Time: 10.30 AM.
- Venue: New Conference Room.
- About CSIR-IICB - Indian Institute of Chemical Biology Kolkata
- CSIR-IICB was built up in 1935. CSIR-IICB today is occupied with examination on maladies of national significance and organic issues of worldwide enthusiasm, utilizing advanced cutting edge innovation with regards to the fast and extraordinary energy that life science research has picked up all inclusive throughout the most recent 50 years.
- CSIR-IICB is one of the real labs in India which started, right from its commencement, multidisciplinary purposeful endeavors for directing essential examination on irresistible ailments, particularly elephantiasis and cholera, alongside the improvement of advances for the determination, prophylaxis, and chemotherapy of the ailments. A neurology gathering is included in examination on the advancement of the vertebrate mind furthermore the beginning of human development issue. Bio dynamic substances from characteristic sources and synthetically integrated new particles are being investigated as potential medications.
- CSIR-IICB endeavors are presently on to change over the information increased throughout the years through superb essential examination into riches.